Tommie’s Plumbing (Plumbing) in Greeneville
Full information about Tommie’s Plumbing in Greeneville: address, opening hours, phone, fax, email, website. Tommie’s Plumbing on the map, description and reviews.
Contact details of Tommie’s Plumbing:
281 Bandy rd, Greeneville, Tennessee (TN), 37743
EditTommie’s Plumbing opening hours:
Always open
EditReviews about Tommie’s Plumbing:
About Tommie’s Plumbing:
At Tommie’s Plumbing, we provide a full line of plumbing services such as kitchen faucets, lavatory faucets, shower faucets, pressure reducers, emergency shut-offs, and water heaters. We can clear your stopped-up drain lines for your kitchen sinks, bathroom sinks, shower drains, and your main lines. We also can provide outside plumbing work, such as septic tank lines, city sewer main lines, and water lines from the meter to the house.
EditPlumbing nearest to Tommie’s Plumbing:
B & L Plumbing Greeneville, Plumbing; 105 Summit Dr, Greeneville, TN, 37743-6410; (423) 639-9184
Brooks & Malone Plumbing Contractors Greeneville, Plumbing; 3260 Asheville Hwy, Greeneville, TN, 37743-2211; (423) 638-9164
Greeneville Plumbing Service Greeneville, Plumbing; 1011 Parton Loop, Greeneville, TN, 37743-6402; (423) 639-7194
Ricker Plumbing & Heating Inc Greeneville, Plumbing; 206 E Mckee St, Greeneville, TN, 37743-5646; (423) 638-3662